
Les mois de l’année = The Months of the Year

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Please note that neither the months of the year nor the days of the week are capitalised in French
Unless the month is the 1st word in a sentence, resist the temptation to capitalise the month

♫♪ ▬►   And now for some videos to help you remember the months of the year

♫♪ ▬► Let’s starts with a guided lessons on how to pronounce each month video
♫♪ ▬►

♫♪ ▬►   And now for some videos to help you remember the months of the year

♫♪ ▬►   And now let’s add some music to help you remember the months of the year – I recommend you only do the 1st minute to get you familiar with the months of the year in French. If you’d like to do the whole song at a later stage – here’s the link to click to  ♫♪ ▬► ♫♪ CLICK HERE ▬► Les mois de l’année ▬► Chantons = Let’s Sing ♫♪