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Bonjour! My name’s Enza, I live in Sydney, Australia and I am excited to be sharing my resources and expertise with you. I am a highly qualified and French Teacher who would love to guide you so you can master the French language and speak like a native.

Why this website? Why my passion to help you learn to speak French like a native?
Have you tried, attended course after course, spent endless days and nights trying to get it right without realising that there is in fact a science and an art in mastering a language and being able to speak like a native!  My university studies in Applied Linguistics and Semiotics  opened up that door for me a long time ago. I am so grateful for the teachers and lecturers that I had. After understanding how to master the art of thinking in another language and practicing it with a series of activities, I was amazed at the results. I was the student who had previously studied French for 7 years and was still unable to have a fluent conversation or feel comfortable enough to speak with native speakers. That all changed … not only was I conversing with French speakers but I was accepted as a native speaker when I rocked up to Europe and was even offered a job on nothing less than a yacht on the French Riviera. The skipper, family and crew did not speak a word of French and they wished to have someone on board who could. The family also wanted a fluent speaker of Italian as that was the language the family and skipper spoke. They were also looking for someone to teach their children English and last but not least, the family had only recently moved to Germany and were keen to have someone there as well who spoke at least conversational German.

My individual study of German, undertaken after I finished university and before embarking on my European adventure allowed me to understand that there exist different learning styles and once I understood a student’s learning style and how to impart the non verbal challenges of thinking and sounding like a native, the student actually enjoyed the study of the language more and whatever their level, they was inspired to practice it with native speakers as early as 3 months into their French studies. My language teachers had been unaware of all the shortcuts that could have saved me years of sweat and frustration.

Curious to know more ? To know why, how and what I do?
Come join me on my journey but before doing so, I’ll share a little more about me!

I started my studies in French, Italian and Applied Linguistics and Semiotics at  Sydney University  in 1982.
I am a qualified teacher of languages from Sydney University – In 1984 I completed my Bachelor of Arts and subsequently went on to do the Diploma of Education, specialising in Teaching French and Italian as a foreign languages.

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Since graduating, I have been teaching French to learners of all ages – children – university graduates and I have been doing so making use of multimedia as well as Internet resources, some of which I have created) so I offer online lessons, face to face lessons, individual lessons and group lessons. My most recent client is a French native speaker who wanted to learn Italian but did not speak English so you can see that knowing a language or 3 helps tremendously. For those wishing to learn a language online, via Skype, phone or Google hang out, I have 18 years experience teaching languages online so you can rest assured you are learning from someone with a lifetime of experience.

If you, your partner or children, your company or friends have any specific needs, I can create a program with lessons that tailor any requirements you may have e.g.  Conversational French, Travel French, Business French, French for Kids, etc. I have also been involved with the teaching, examining and marking of State HSC Foreign Language Examinations in NSW, Australia since 1986.  This includes the International Baccalauréat and the IB courses. my near native fluency in French by connecting and socialising with a circle of French native speaking friends on a regular basis.

Apart from my passion for speaking, promoting and teaching French, my other passions and interests include photography, social media and writing. My studies and experience in languages in fact fuelled my interest to further my studies in Applied Linguistics and Semiotics to look at the mind, body and spirit connection. (Zen RelaxationMindfulness and Meditation – all amazingly relevant in learning to speak a foreign language like a native.)  I also love being of service and to other language teachers in the world. 

Sydney Australia


Bronte Beach, Sydney, Australia

Bronte Beach, Sydney, Australia